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Medical Records Request
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Medications filled at UVC are handled Monday through Friday during normal operating hours and will be filled within 24 hours (often same day) so long as the medication is in stock.
Outside pharmacy prescriptions are processed twice per month on every other Sunday at 7AM. The cut off time is at 7AM so any requests made after this time will be processed the following Sunday. We do not fax, email, mail, or digitize prescriptions in any way. Please refer to the schedule below for upcoming processing dates.
Written prescriptions for outside pharmacies must be picked up in person and
for by our clients - in person. The prescriptions expire 21 days after they are processed and they have security labels on them so clients will not be given duplicates.
a) They must be presented to your pharmacy of choice immediately as they expire 21 days after they are processed by our hospital. You can request up to 3 months of meds at a time (flea meds and heartworm medications do not apply to this rule as long as you're up to date on your annual examination). If the patient is eligible for refills based on requirements for that medication (annual examination, bloodwork requirements, etc), then refills will be added to the RX.
b) Do not lose your prescriptions as they will not be duplicated due to prescription fraud happening in the past. Again, please take your prescriptions directly to the pharmacy as duplicates will not be made.
4) It is your responsibility as a client to take your written prescription to the pharmacy of your choice and work with them to get it filled if you decide to obtain your pet medications outside of our hospital. Inactive, fake and/or diverted pet medications exist and we are not responsible for outside pharmacies.
5) We will never give prescriptions for future diseases, future surgeries, future illnesses, future problems or possible concerns for the future. Please do not request these meds as your request will be denied. (We are not permitted to prescribe meds for future problems/procedures/diseases).
6) Do not ask for bottles, injectibles or large inventory of meds. We will decline your request.
Indicates required field
Your Name
This is the name of the person who has an account at our hospital. We will use this information to find your account in our computer system.
Pet Name (Only Enter ONE Pet At A Time)
This is the name of your pet for whom you need the prescription. We will use this information to find your pet in our computer system.
Your Email (So We Can Find Your Account)
We need this to identify your account and reach out with any questions or concerns regarding your request.
Your Phone Number (Client Identification Purposes)
We need your phone number to identify your account and reach out with any questions or concerns regarding your prescription request.
Pet Medication Name & Strength (Only place ONE medication in this box) - If you put in several medications you will cause our system to error and need to resubmit this form. You can put in a maximum of 3 months of meds at a time. Do not ask for injectible medications.
Is your pet up to date on annual examination? (If your pet is not up to date, the prescription request will be automatically declined per California Law).
I Understand That I Must Meet All These Criteria to Receive a Prescription:
I must be up to date on my annual exam.
I am requesting a medication that is for my pet and my pet only.
I will not sell or distribute pet medications online or on Facebook, OfferUp, etc
I am keeping up with bloodwork, urine or other specialized testing as required by my vet office to keep using this medication on an ongoing basis.
Your Request:
Written Prescription
Please Fill My Medication at UVC & Notify Me
Please Fill My Medication at UVC & Ship It To Me
✔ You agree that written prescriptions will NOT be duplicated. If you lose your prescription, it will not be replaced.
✔ You agree to pick up your prescription ASAP. It expires 21 days from when it is processed on Sundays.
✔ You agree to take it to your pharmacy immediately.
✔ You agree not to request meds for future problems, diseases, illnesses, surgeries and/or symptoms.
Prescription requests can be made for up to 3 months of medication at a time unless otherwise dictated by your doctor. Refills will be made available at the discretion of the doctor and if all prescription criteria (exam up to date, bloodwork up to date, etc) are met. If your annual examination will expire after the initial prescription is made, no additional refills will be possible until your pet is seen by your primary veterinarian at our hospital. If you are requesting a medication without the doctor's knowledge, it will be declined. If you are requesting medications when your pet is past due on recommended/required bloodwork screenings, it will be declined. If you are requesting medications you've heard about on the internet, please schedule an appointment to speak with one of our vets in person so they advise you on proper treatment and medications for your pet. Any requests made without our prior knowledge or authorization will be declined.
Sunday February 16th
Sunday March 2nd